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Mar 31, 2010

If God came to you and told you that you were doing your life perfectly in this moment, you would be very happy – and this moment would be “IT”. Well guess what, it is! Join the Kanes and experience the possibility that you are living your life perfectly. Tune in and experience: This Is It.

Mar 24, 2010

When you are in a community, you realize that you make a difference, you matter and this supports you in being your true self and making a difference with your life. Join the Kanes and discover how true independence is actually an interdependence with others.

Mar 17, 2010

Most of us don't just say what we have to say because we're worried that we'll sound stupid, or won't be liked. Or that being truthful with someone means being harsh and hurtful, Not True! Think how you sit up and listen when someone says exactly what they mean. Join Ariel and Shya as they reveal the art of expressing...

Mar 10, 2010

Do you remember learning to walk? Of course not. Gravity taught you. The lessons you learned as a toddler are seamlessly integrated into your life today. Tune in and discover the key elements that make gravity the greatest teacher of all.

Mar 3, 2010

About two-thirds of Americans take them, and over three-quarters of doctors recommend dietary supplements to patients, according to recent surveys. Join Ariel and Shya as they welcome back special guest, Dr. Larry Emdur, Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Anti-aging Medicine, for an...